Pine Skirting?

You got it. have received numerous requests for pine skirting as an alternative to MDF Skirting. Why? We believe it because MDF Skirting Boards require you to have quite a straight, flat, and very well plastered wall prepared before you fit skirting boards.

Pine and softwood skirting boards may give you a little more leeway when fitting skirting. Also you have the option of planing the skirting, before fitting whereas MDF will not take so well to planing it DIY!

Pine skirting also offers you a cost effective decoration line if you’re going for the less expensive options for example a buy to let property or the ‘spare room’ !

If you need Pine Skirting Boards – email now with your enquiry for the best prices at [email protected]

Skirting of the moment …

Walnut skirting boards and ogee skirting boards are all the rage right now, as customers are going for higher quality, beautifully finished walnut skirting boards with a standard and sleek ogee design from

See our SkirtingBoards.TV profile video for ogee skirting boards here:

Antique Skirting Board – a profile up close! have an offering of an antique nature … These antique skirting boards are based on a profile centuries old, from the days of base boards and the very origin of skirting boards.

Those of you with a an affinity to all things old and antique, then antique skirting is just the thing to make your home look oldy-worldy and give it a sense of tradition …

You can see our antique skirting profiles on

Skirting Boards – Profiles – Antique

Plastic skirting Boards!

If you are in the market for skirting boards whilst doing some rennovation of your house, then you might consider using PVCU Skirting Boards instead of standard materials such as mdf skirting boards

You may not think they sound very good, but I was talking with colleagues earlier that have seen them installed on modern conservatories, and they look absolutely fantastic! We can supply them already but they will take time to make it to our mainstream menu system. In the meantime, just let us know and we’ll sort you out! (I’ll be putting up some videos shortly on our YouTube channel – SkirtingBoards.TV

This is professionally known as UPVC Skirting, or PVC Skirting which is flexible and durable. So whenever you need flexible skirting, is where to come!