Thanksgiving Decorating Checklist

decorated fallmantel

Start your Thanksgiving decorating plans early to make the most of the season. Image: Improvements Catalog

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We love the colors and flavors of Thanksgiving. The highlight of fall is decorating our homes with warm hues while anticipating welcoming guests for Thanksgiving dinner. Whether your holiday will be spent as a couple, with your immediate family or with a large group of friends and relatives, great decorating requires a plan. With so many details to keep track of this season, a guide is helpful. We have your Thanksgiving decorating checklist.

1. Choose Your Theme

thanksgiving decorating mantel

Use the dramatic colors of late autumn for your Thanksgiving decorating. Image: Grandin Road

To create your Thanksgiving style, you can decorate elaborately or just add harvest-inspired accents around your home. Before you start buying anything, you’ll want to choose your decor theme so that your decorating is fun and easy.

Here are our favorite Thanksgiving theme inspirations:

  • Harvest – This theme features fruits, gourds and elements of the harvest.
  • Natural – Fabric and ribbons of burlap and linen combine with fall foliage for a natural theme.
  • Rustic – Incorporate antique decor and unfinished wood into your decorating vignettes.
  • Glamorous – If you love metallic or colorful candle holders and elegant dinnerware, this could be your theme.
  • Vineyard-Inspired – Love wine? This theme celebrates the wine harvest with the colors and art of the vineyards.

2. Create a Color Palette

Thanksgiving decorating

Find your Thanksgiving color palette inspiration in harvest patterns and accessories. Image: Pottery Barn

Once you’ve chosen your decorating theme (or have chosen to just do a little bit of decorating), it’s time to choose a color palette. Though it may feel like an unnecessary step, having a simple color palette in place can help you make the right purchases when shopping for decor and accessories.

Choosing color for seasonal decorating is easy because you don’t have to limit yourself to just a few colors. You’ll want to choose three main colors for your decorating plan, then add three accent colors to your palette. There are no must-not-break rules for choosing color for your Thanksgiving decor — just choose the colors that express the vibe you’d like for your home.

3. Gather the Basic Supplies You’ll Need for Thanksgiving Decorating

Thanksgiving craft ideas

A burlap wreath is a simple Thanksgiving project for your home. Image: Etsy – CraftnRelax

Whether you’re decorating for a big Thanksgiving dinner or for the entire season, your decorating supply list won’t change. Here are the basic supplies for any Thanksgiving decorating project:

  • Burlap
  • Foliage, gourds, pumpkins
  • Candles
  • Serving pieces
  • Tape, wire, glue gun, craft supplies
  • Fabric
  • Ribbon

4. Decorate Your Front Porch for Thanksgiving

Autumn porch

Create a beautiful welcome with a Thanksgiving wreath and foliage. Image:  Pottery Barn

Autumn and front porches are made for each other. You may have already decorated your porch for the fall season or Halloween with lots of orange and gold colors. Whether you’re updating your fall porch decor or starting fresh for Thanksgiving, the right colors will make decorating simple. The colors of Thanksgiving are richer than early fall colors. Plum, russet and ginger all reflect the colors of late autumn beautifully.

5. Welcome Your Thanksgiving Guests with a Decorated Foyer

Fall foyer decorating

Decorate your foyer with warm fall accessories. Image: Wayfair

Make a stunning first impression on guests stepping into your home by decorating your foyer or entryway. Your foyer sets the theme for the rest of your home, so don’t be shy about going a little overboard with the Thanksgiving decor. Seasonal foliage and garland can dress up your staircase, door frame or even a mirror — your entire foyer is a palette for the rich colors of the Thanksgiving holiday.

6. Give Your Living Room Thanksgiving Warmth

autumn living room decorating

A collection of elegant glass pumpkins dress up a simple Thanksgiving coffee table arrangement. Image: Pottery Barn

Your living room offers another Thanksgiving decorating palette in your home. Switch out throw pillows to reflect the colors and designs that inspire you for the season. Adding a cozy fall-colored throw on a couch or chair can incorporate your Thanksgiving color palette. If you have a fireplace, your mantel can be the focal point of your living room decorating plan. Foliage, candles and decorative accessories can be displayed on your mantel or, if you don’t have one or just want to mix it up, on a table.

7. Decorating Your Kitchen (Where Everyone Gathers)

Kitchen Gather Sign

For an easy kitchen Thanksgiving decorating idea, add a charming sign. Image: Etsy – Laurenmary Home

With all the care you’ve taken to create a beautiful and welcoming setting for your Thanksgiving guests, they will all end up in your kitchen at some point in the celebration. This is a fact of life when you entertain. On a holiday like Thanksgiving, your kitchen will be a hub of activity – and not necessarily organized. Though you can’t stop your food prep to tidy up, you can still add a few decorative touches in your kitchen. Choose accessories that will not interfere with the flow of your kitchen as you work. Seasonal kitchen towels, mats and wall art provide color and pattern without getting in your way.

8. Your Dining Room can be the Star of Your Thanksgiving Decor

Thanksgiving Dining Room

Dress up your dining room with a festive chair wrap adorned with fall decor. Image: Grandin Road

Of course, your dining room is the center of your Thanksgiving universe. Buying or bringing out your table linens and serving pieces is the first step to creating a breathtaking Thanksgiving table. When you have a decorating plan and color palette already in mind, it will be easy to see what linens and serving pieces you may need to purchase. Candles and a centerpiece are must-haves for even the most casual tables. The more formal your table design, the taller your candles can be. Votive candles are perfect for a simple table.

9. Don’t Forget to Decorate Your Guest Bathroom

Autumn Bathroom Accessories

Pretty jars and a soap dispenser are functional and festive for a guest bathroom. Image: Etsy – ChalkPaintMasonJars

Bring your seasonal decorating into the guest bathroom with just a few simple items. Decorative jars and a soap dispenser are functional and pretty for your guest bath. Seasonal scents like pumpkin and vanilla are perfect for autumn. One or two pretty guest towels in your color palette look festive, but many guests prefer disposable guest towels instead. (There’s nothing worse than a damp guest towel.) Look for paper guest towels in seasonal designs and colors.

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Five Lawn Maintenance Tips for Fall

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If you spent a lot of time this summer maintaining your lawn, you probably welcome the arrival of cooler temperatures. However, the end of summer is not the end of lawn maintenance. “Fall comes with a mix of warm soil and cool air, perfect for planting grass seed and allowing time for new grass roots to develop before winter sets in,” according to Phil Dwyer, Ph.D., Turf Grass Scientist at Scotts Miracle-Gro.

“It is also a good time to feed and build stronger, deeper roots for winter, resulting in a thicker, greener lawn next spring,” Dwyer tells Freshome. Every lawn is different, but here are some lawn maintenance tips to take advantage of the fall weather.

Repair bare spots

Fall lawn

Fall is the perfect time to tend to bare patches. Image: John Askew Homes

During the summer, there’s usually a lot of lawn traffic. By the fall, Dwyer says, pets, kids playing, and foot traffic have probably resulted in a few bare patches. “Using a hand rake or other tool, loosen the top layer of soil to give the new seed a better chance to nestle in and begin to build strong roots.” Next, he recommends applying a repair product over the entire bare spot, according to the label’s directions. “Finally, give the newly seeded patch a deep and thorough watering – but stop if you see the water start to puddle.” Dwyer recommends watering the patch daily to keep those seeds hydrated and growing.

Overseed your lawn

Overseed your lawn

Overseeding can produce strong, lush grass. Image: Connor Homes

If your lawn looks thin in the fall, this is a good time to thicken it by overseeding before winter sets in.“To overseed your lawn, start by setting your mower to one of its lowest settings so you can cut your grass to a height of 2 inches or less, and bag the clippings,” Dwyer says. Then, he recommends raking the lawn to remove dead grass and debris, while also loosening the upper layer of soil.  “This will make it easier for seeds to take root once they’ve sprouted,” he explains. “Fill and adjust the spreader according to the instructions on the product package and apply as directed.”

Feed your lawn

Fall lawn maintenance

Your grass needs essential nutrients. Image: Savoie Nolan Architects

Your lawn provides many environmental and health benefits – but only if it’s nourished and healthy. Dwyer says fall is also a great time to feed your lawn. “Fall is peak time for your lawn to begin storing nutrients and growing lots of strong roots,” he says. “From grass roots to blade tips, feeding in the fall will do a whole lot of good for your lawn, both now and in the spring.” Dwyer lists 3 benefits of fertilizing your lawn in the fall.

  • Help rejuvenate and repair your lawn: All lawns get stressed by summer heat, drought, heavy foot traffic, or a combination of those. Applying lawn food can help replenish frazzled, worn-out grass so it recovers quicker and better. Plus, a fall feeding provides a noticeable greening that lasts longer than an unfed lawn.
  • Give roots a pre-winter nutrient boost: Lawns get hungry, especially as they slow down at the end of the growing season. Fall lawn food helps your lawn grow stronger, deeper roots before cold weather and frozen soil set in.
  • Make for a strong start to spring with a greener lawn: During the dormant season, it’s natural for your lawn’s growth and energy to come to a near standstill. A fall feeding gives grass a big dose of essential nutrients to store for when they’re needed most: the spring growing season. Not only will that lead to a thicker, lusher lawn, but your grass will green up earlier by as many as 2 to 6 weeks!

Keep cutting your lawn

Fall lawn maintenance grass

Don’t cut your grass too low. Image: Liquidscapes

You still need to cut your lawn in the fall, according to Susan Brandt, co-founder of Blooming Secrets. “However, make sure you keep it two and a half to three inches tall,” she advises. “A shorter lawn will reduce the energy available to the grass which is needed to obtain nutrients for healthy root systems.” Brand says a shorter lawn could also reduce your lawn’s ability to resist the cold and dryness of winter. “Mowing also chops up the leaves and turns it to mulch – which enhances the soil,” Brandt says.

Clean Up Your Leaves

Fall lawn maintenance leaves

Use leaves as mulch. Image: Savoie Nolan Architects

Raking leaves is typical lawn maintenance in the fall. Brandt says they can be used as mulch, compost or several other applications. “One additional way I use the leaves is to chop them up with a leaf vacuum and store them outdoors in a black garbage bag,” Brandt says. “Rather than purchase new soil for my containers, I take the chopped-up leaves and mix them into the existing container soil.”

“As the leaves break down during the season, they improve the container soil and also help the soil retain a little bit more moisture,” Brandt explains.  She’s been doing this for several seasons and achieving great results.

Do you have any additional fall lawn maintenance tips to share? Let us know in the comments.

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8 New Construction Money Mistakes That Could Cost You

Building your own home is an exercise in careful budgeting. Each and every dollar needs to be accounted for, or your build could get away from you. Still, even if you’re careful with your budget, you might be making mistakes that cost you in the end. Maxing out your money might be less about choosing cheaper tile and more about managing your build with the future in mind. Don’t make these mistakes or you could be paying for years to come.

Consider resale value even if you don’t plan on selling your home. Image: Livingstone Design + Build

Ignore Resale Value

Most families build custom homes because they want a specific end product. Unless you’re building a home as an investment to sell, chances are you plan on spending years in your new place. But just because you don’t plan on selling doesn’t mean you won’t. Changes in lifestyle, careers, and budget could result in needing to sell. If you designed and built your home only thinking of what appeals to you personally, it might be a hard sell. Distinct features you fell in love with could be dealbreakers for buyers. That’s why it’s best to add personality in less permanent ways. Remember, paint color is easy to change; bright yellow bathroom tile isn’t.

Borrow Your Max

Building the house of your dreams means you have to be comfortable with spending money. But maxing out your mortgage on day one can cause you thousands in interest and stretch your budget too thin. The general rule of thumb for mortgages is that your housing costs (including HOA and any other fees) shouldn’t exceed 28 percent of your total income. Just because your bank is willing to lend you more doesn’t mean you should borrow the maximum amount. Make some concessions, borrow less, and you’ll be glad for it.

Negotiate for design credits or incentives to save money. Image: 30E Design

Not Negotiating 

Building a new home isn’t like buying an existing one. Builders have their costs, so there’s no room for negotiation, right? It’s a common misconception in real estate, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Builders have room for negotiation and agreeing to their price right away could cost you thousands. Whether you ask for a better price outright or negotiate for better incentives or allowances, don’t accept that first price at face value.

Forgetting Your Responsibilities

Unless your builder agreed to finish the home and landscaping start to finish, there are parts of the build that are your responsibility. Usually, this includes things like minor landscaping (think laying sod or planting your garden) but it may also include sweat equity items, like painting or putting up trim. Whatever your responsibilities, don’t forget to budget for them. The materials and labor won’t be included in your builder’s price and you’ll need to pay for them out of pocket.

Building Too Big

A spacious home sounds like the American dream–until it comes time to heat and cool it, that is. See, even if you have the money to build a large home, it might not be the most cost-effective option when it comes to paying for utilities and the day-to-day running of the place. Building bigger doesn’t always mean building better. A good designer can create smart spaces that feel spacious without being too expensive for everyday living.

It may be cheaper to finish your basement now. Image: Grace Hill Design

Procrastinating Projects

It’s an all-too-common way to save on a new build: just put off some of the finishes for another time. An unfinished basement seems like a money-saving tactic now, but it could cost you in the long run. It’s much cheaper to pay for a finished basement when contractors are already there and purchasing materials in bulk. Procrastinate that project for a few years and you’ll pay a premium for a contractor to purchase materials and come to your home specifically to work on your basement. If you have money in the budget and you know you want a finished basement (or completed deck, or landscaped backyard), have it done as part of the build process and save.

Use Your Builder’s Lender

Almost all builders have a “preferred lender,” where they send most of their buyers. And, if that lender offers the best rates and incentives, they very well might be the best for the job. But it’s always best to shop around for lenders that will offer the best rates, especially if you already have a lender you like. A builder might offer upgrades for using the preferred lender, so you can use that as a bargaining chip when negotiating rates or getting the best bang for you upgrade bucks. Remember, you’ll have your lender for decades; it’s best to make sure you work with one you trust.

Trying to keep track of your build budget can have you wishing you’d paid better attention in math class. But as you add up receipts and make choices, don’t forget to keep the bigger picture in mind. Paying for a new home doesn’t only happen during the build process, but for years to come after your move-in date. Make smart choices now and you’ll be paid in peace of mind later.

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Decorating Ideas for Behr Blueprint: 2019 Color of the Year

Behr Blueprint in Kitchen

Behr Blueprint, their 2019 Color of the Year, brings fresh color to a kitchen. Image: Behr

Behr recently announced Blueprint as their 2019 Color of the Year – and we are in love with this versatile blue. Behr Blueprint is a true blue. There is no hint of green or aqua, which has been the trend for several years. Erika Woelfel, vice president of color and creative services at Behr, explained why Blueprint was their choice for 2019. “Much like the sketches builders rely on to bring an architectural design to life, Blueprint S470-5 lays a foundation for consumers to make their unique vision a reality. This universally appealing hue provides a steady stream of positivity and is poised to be an instant classic for years to come.”

Blueprint is a rich and relaxing color that is suitable for any room in your home. The simplicity of this paint color means that it can be introduced into any room without making a lot of decorating or color changes.

Tips to Incorporate Behr Blueprint Into Your Color Palette

  • Use Blueprint as a neutral. Remember, blues like navy and denim can be paired with almost any color.
  • Replace a gray with Blueprint. This versatile blue can replace any cool gray color.
  • Use it in a monochromatic scheme. Blueprint can work with lighter and darker blue shades.
  • Add Blueprint as an accent color in your neutral color scheme.

Behr made it easy to use their 2019 Color of the Year by choosing a friendly blue without those surprise undertones that can pop up and ruin your color scheme. Here is our favorite inspiration for using Blueprint at home:

Behr Blueprint in the Living Room

Behr 2019 Color of the Year

An eclectic living room is made dramatic with Behr Blueprint. Image: Behr

  • If you love the look of saturated color, you can totally use a mid-tone blue like Blueprint in your living room with other mid-tone colors. Mid-tone is a way of identifying colors that may be different, but are of similar light or darkness. Using colors of similar tones can give you a hip, eclectic look.
  • Blueprint is a beautiful and rich blue, but perhaps you’re concerned about your living room appearing too dark. You can handle any darker paint color by pairing it with lighter colors. Light flooring, rugs, trim or ceiling paint can balance the darkness of your wall color.
  • Too soon to commit to Blueprint as an entire living room color? Painted furniture is a low-commitment way to introduce a new color into your space. Coffee tables, consoles or end tables are perfect spots for adding color to your living room.

Behr Blueprint in the Kitchen

Behr Blueprint Kitchen

Behr Blueprint is right at home in this comfortable kitchen. Image: Behr

  • We love the trend of colorful kitchen islands, and Behr’s Blueprint can transform your kitchen in a flash. Adding color on a kitchen island provides a pop to all of your cabinets without a long and complicated painting project. 
  • Glass cabinet doors or open shelving offer a fun way to add color to your kitchen. Paint your accent color on the inside of your cabinets, letting Blueprint peek out from behind your dishes. You can also use this pop of color in the back of shelving or bookcases.
  • If you’re ready to change your kitchen wall colors, a pretty blue like Blueprint can highlight your white or wood cabinetry. You can also replace your cabinet and drawer hardware for a total makeover. Burnished gold hardware looks especially beautiful with blue cabinetry if you really want to make a statement.

Behr Blueprint in the Bathroom

Blue Bathroom Color

Blueprint, Behr’s 2019 Color of the Year, works in most bathroom styles. Image: Behr

  • Behr’s Blueprint can give your walls more presence and warmth in a traditional-style bathroom.
  • If you love contemporary style, a mid-tone blue like Blueprint can soften simple lines and shiny surfaces without taking away from your decorating vision for the room.
  • Updating your powder room can be as simple as a new paint color. Blueprint works very well in small spaces if you add white fixtures and light accessories. A rich blue powder room is not only welcoming to guests, but it also offers that “wow” factor you want in a room.

Behr Blueprint in the Bedroom

Blue Bedroom Paint Color

Soothing and serene, Blueprint is a relaxing choice for a bedroom wall color. Image: Behr

  • If you’re looking for a way to create a serene space in your bedroom, Behr’s Blueprint offers a soothing blue that is very comfortable.
  • If you want to add a touch of color to your bedroom, an accent wall behind your headboard is the perfect spot. Painting an accent color behind your bed brings out your headboard and pillow shams, so be sure to add that rich blue as an accent color in your bedding to pull it all together.

Behr Blueprint for Your Front Door

Blue Front Door

Blue is a welcoming color for your front porch. Image: Behr

  • If you would like to boost your home’s curb appeal, a freshly painted door is the top way to make a dramatic change. Blue doors are welcoming, friendly and coordinate with most exterior paint colors. Add a few matching planters or outdoor accessories to really rev up your curb appeal. 

Behr Blueprint in the Laundry Room 

Blue Laundry Room

Create a laundry room you love with Behr Blueprint. Image: Behr

  • If you’d love to bring Blueprint into your decor but can’t find the right space, your laundry room could be the perfect spot. Our laundry rooms are considered a private space within the home — you or your family are the only users of the room. A private space is your personal palette to choose any colors you love, and that can (hopefully) make doing laundry less of a chore.

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Creating a Home Gym That Makes You Want to Exercise

Nothing beats being able to exercise at your convenience – and in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  No driving in traffic, showering with strangers, wondering if the exercise equipment has been disinfected recently or being too hot or too cold.  Even if you’re not an exercise buff, designing your own gym allows you to create the type of space that is conducive to working out. Below, you’ll find design inspiration and tips to help you design a home gym that beckons you to work out.

This Orange County, California home gym features stained white oak plank floors. Image: Gaetano Hardwood Floors

“Compared with the cost of a gym membership or personal trainer, creating a home gym can pay for itself in no time,” according to Dan DiClerico, home expert and smart home strategist at HomeAdvisor.

And Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment has increased the popularity of home gyms, he explains. “For example, a smart exercise bike with an interactive display makes it possible to join your favorite spin class without leaving the house.”

However, if you’re planning to install Wi-Fi-connected exercise equipment, he says it’s important to make sure there’s a good internet connection in the workout area. “That might mean installing additional wireless access points or range extenders to ensure fast internet speed. Otherwise, the weak signal could really slow down your workout.”

Space considerations

The dual fans in this Tampa, Florida home gym are stylish and functional. Image: John Cannon Homes

Fortunately, adding a home gym doesn’t have to be a major renovation project. “A finished basement or spare bedroom will do the trick,” DiClerico says. “Just make sure there will be enough clearance around and above the exercise equipment. Clearance requirements vary by machine but, in the case of treadmills, you generally want at least 6 ½ feet of free space at the back of the machine and 1 ½ feet at either side.”

The home gym is underneath the garage in this Minneapolis lakefront home. The walls are concrete and the ceiling is spancrete. Image: John Kraemer & Sons

If you don’t have an existing space, DiClerico recommends finishing the basement (unless, like the homeowner in the photo above, you can place the gym underneath the garage). “The average cost for finishing a basement ranges from $6,500 to $18,500,” DiClerico says. If you stick to the basics – hanging and painting drywall and installing plywood floors – he says you can control some of the costs. “But for the best workout experience, you’ll want good lighting, ventilation and audio/visuals, all of which will drive up the cost,” he explains.

This Chicago home gym is a weightlifter’s dream. Image: Raugstad, Inc

If you’re setting up your home gym to have a power rack, it’s going to take up a lot of space, according to Shawn Breyer, owner of Atlanta, Georgia-based Breyer Home Buyers. “Power Racks allow you to set the bar’s height at any level, allowing you to perform bench presses, squats, shoulder presses, etc.” He recommends a wall mount power rack.  “When not in use, they fold up and stick out five inches from the wall, allowing you to have your gym and your cars in your garage.”

Flooring considerations

If you plan on using weights in your home gym, it’s also important to make sure that they’re evenly dispersed across your flooring joist. “You don’t want to load up a dumbbell rack that happens to be in between two floor joists,” Breyer explains. “A 12-by-36-inch piece of 3/4-inch fir plywood can support up to 50 pounds without problems – but the average two-tiered dumbbell rack weighs 705 lbs.” Over time, Breyer says that either the plywood is going to warp or it’s going to collapse under the load.

This Cincinnati home gym has something for everyone. Image: Custom Homes

Breyer also recommends using rubber mats. “No matter what equipment, weights or workouts you throw at them, they can handle it,” he says. “Other benefits are that they’re easy to clean and provide great sound insulation – and that makes for a happy spouse.”

An Olympic platform sits in this San Francisco home gym. Image: Sarah Evers Hoffman

“Whether you’re setting up your gym in your garage or the spare room, if you are performing Olympic lifts such as power cleans and deadlifts, you need to have an Olympic platform,” advises Breyer. “Dropping weights can bust concrete and plywood, costing you hundreds or even thousands to repair the damages.” He says you can either purchase an Olympic platform or, if you’re DIY-inclined, you can build your own.

Resale considerations

This Corona del Mar, California home gym has rubber floor tiles and a garage door. Image: Jeri Koegel Photography

When deciding on the layout of your gym, consider how it will affect your home’s resale value. “If you have modified the house in any way, you’ll want to make the necessary repairs and changes prior to relisting your home,” Breyer advises. “And you need to put your gym equipment into storage.” He says home buyers like to picture themselves in your home. “If exercise is not a part of their lifestyle, a room full of gym equipment is going to decrease the chances that they will fall in love with your home and want to buy it.”

Equipment considerations

This spacious London-based home gym allows for plenty of equipment. Image: Originate Architects

Exercise physiologist, celebrity trainer and Nautilus, Inc. fitness advisor Tom Holland is host of the weekly Bowflex live stream “Breakfast Club.” According to Holland, your equipment is the key to a successful workout. “First and foremost, consumers must take time to select equipment that they are most likely to use on a consistent basis, especially cardiovascular equipment,” he tells Freshome. “While price is often a factor for most people, paying a little more on equipment that you will utilize is a much smarter decision than spending less on a piece that will sit unused.”

Holland recommends the following three pieces of equipment:

Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells. Image: Nautilus, Inc.

“The Bowflex SelectTech 560 dumbbells are the first-ever smart dumbbells that offer a fully interactive workout experience with a Bluetooth 3DT sensor and SelectTech app coaching you through your workout, allowing you to save time by working out at home and reducing the number of separate dumbbells from 32 down to only two,” Holland says.

The Bowflex Lateral X. Image: Nautilus, Inc.

“The Bowflex Lateral X is a unique cardio trainer designed to provide a full-body workout and move in three dimensions: side-to-side, push-and-pull and stand-and-squat,” Holland says. “These motions mimic real-life movements like yardwork, housecleaning and playing with your kids, which can help strengthen those otherwise-neglected muscles.”

The Modern Movement M-Pad. Image: Nautilus, Inc.

“The Modern Movement is a line of balance, core and strength training products that feature the revolutionary M-Trac app, which allows users to measure improvement in balance and agility or utilize a digital personal trainer to guide them through their workout,“ Holland says. “Both the Edge-Board Core Strength Trainer and M-Pad Balance & Strength Trainer are easy to store and perfect for tackling core strength exercises throughout your home if you are short on space.”

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Warm & Welcoming: 10 Guest Bedroom Essentials

guest bedroom essentials

These 10 guest bedroom essentials will help you make an ideal retreat for your visitors. Image: 2id Interiors

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When decorating your home, the guest bedroom is often an afterthought. After all, why put your favorite pieces in the room you’ll visit the least? Leaving room in your guest room also gives anyone who stays with you the opportunity to spread out and get comfortable in the space. This doesn’t mean the room should feel spartan, though.

There are a few guest bedroom essentials that can help make the space feel welcoming and ensure your guests are comfortable. We’ve put together a handy list of 10 guest bedroom essentials. Add these items to the room to create an ideal retreat for any visitor.

guest bedroom essentials - throw

A cozy throw makes the space feel welcoming – and might help your guests sleep. Image: Crate & Barrel

An extra blanket

If you’ve ever stayed overnight in a chilly room, you’ve probably longed for an extra blanket. Make sure your guests can easily find one. A cozy throw, like the Covella Chunky Throw from Crate & Barrel, laid across the foot of the bed or thrown over a chair ensures your guests are able to get a good night’s rest.

guest bedroom essentials - water

A water carafe on the nightstand is a thoughtful touch. Image: Pottery Barn


No guest likes to have to navigate to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a glass of water. Even if you’ve got nightlights set up, finding a cup in the darkened kitchen is a daunting task. Save your guests the hassle and put some water on their bedside table for them. The Classic Glass Decanter from Pottery Barn has a cup built in so your visitor has everything they need for a refreshing drink in one convenient package.

guest bedroom essentials - clock

A small alarm clock can come in handy for your guests. Image: CB2

A clock

Even though cell phones are omnipresent in our culture, it’s still nice to check the time without lighting up that addictive screen. A small clock in your guest room makes life a little more convenient – and a little less phone-dependent – for your guests. The Charlie Gold Alarm Clock from CB2 even invites them to revisit the days before they set alarms on their phones.

guest bedroom essentials - mirror

Give guests the opportunity to make themselves presentable before facing the world by adding a mirror. Image: Cost Plus World Market

A mirror

If your room doesn’t have a bathroom en suite, you need to add one more item to the list of guest bedroom essentials: a mirror. Without a mirror, you force guests to face you without the opportunity to properly clean the sleep out of their eyes in the morning. Plus, a larger mirror like the Sana Brass Mirror from Cost Plus World Market will help brighten the room.

Make life more convenient for your guests with a bedside lamp that has a USB port. Image: AllModern

A bedside lamp

Nobody likes to have to get out of bed to turn the lights off before going to sleep. Add a lamp to the nightstand so your guests can stay cozy in bed. Plus, the latest technology can help you take your hosting to the next level. This Alperton Table Lamp comes equipped with a USB port to make it easier for your guests to charge their phones. Those little conveniences make all the difference.

guest bedroom essentials - frame

Frame your WiFi password to give guests critical information in a design-forward way. Image: H&M

Your WiFi password

Speaking of digital conveniences, don’t force your guests off the grid. Put your WiFi password in a frame and place it on the nightstand. A classic option like this Metal Frame from H&M (available in black or white) will dress up the information and help draw the eye to it so your visitors can easily connect.

guest bedroom essentials - trash

A small trashcan is a functional addition to any guest room. Image: The Container Store

A trashcan

A trashcan might not seem like a natural fit on a list of guest bedroom essentials, but traveling often creates waste. Give your guests a convenient place to toss boarding passes, granola bar wrappers and water bottles. A compact, nondescript trashcan like this sleek Brabantia Matte Black Step Can from The Container Store will be a welcome addition to travelers without taking over the design of the guest bedroom.

guest bedroom essentials - candle

Light a candle in the guest room just before your visitors arrive to create ambiance. Image: Urban Outfitters

A candle

While some guest bedroom essentials are practical, others are just nice. A lit, softly scented candle welcomes road-weary travelers into their home for the evening. Set a beautiful candle like the Boho Candle from Urban Outfitters on a nightstand and light it just before your guests arrive. The warm glow and welcoming scent lets them know they can relax.

guest bedroom essentials - bench

Create a convenient place to unpack with a luggage rack or bench. Image: West Elm

A luggage rack

Travelers come with luggage. Don’t force them to unpack their suitcases on the floor. Add a luggage rack, or a more stylish equivalent like the Mid-Century Storage Bench from West Elm, to the room. An elevated surface where they can access their packed bags makes living in your guest room more comfortable and convenient.

guest bedroom essentials - hangers

Quality hangers let your guests know it’s okay to use the closet space. Image: The Container Store


While a place to put luggage makes inhabiting your guest room more convenient, you don’t want to force your guests to live out of their suitcases. Leave closet space empty (or, at least, mostly empty) and stock it with hotel-quality hangers like these Walnut Wood Hangers from The Container Store. This lets guests know they can make use of the space, helping them get settled into your guest room.

These ten guest bedroom essentials will help you create a comfortable, welcoming space for anyone who visits your home overnight. But this list is by no means comprehensive. We also have a guide to creating the ideal guest bathroom.

What little additions have made you feel especially at home when staying over at a friend or family member’s home? Let us know in the comments.

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4 Tips to Help You Create a Perfectly Cozy Breakfast Nook in Your Home

If you have enough space for it, we highly suggest incorporating a breakfast nook into your home. This space can serve as the perfect place for the family to gather, whether it’s over your morning cup of coffee or the kids’ homework after school. Keep reading to learn how to put together a breakfast nook that feels equally cozy and functional.

breakfast nook

Have your seating work with the angles of the room. Image: Moneyhill Interiors

Get creative with seating

Seating is the key feature of a breakfast nook. However, in this case, we’d encourage you to think beyond the standard table and chairs. Get a little creative with your seating. Breakfast nooks are supposed to be relaxed spaces and some shapely or otherwise out-of-the-box seating can go a long way toward driving home that feeling.

With that said, you have a few different options to consider. You could build your breakfast nook into a corner and offer rounded seating as shown in the picture above. Alternatively, you could create a full booth for a restaurant-style look or install bench seating underneath a kitchen window.


Make a statement with your lighting. Image: Twelve Chairs

Include statement lighting

Whenever you create a new functional area in your home, it’s important to include some visual clues to help denote it as separate from the rest of the space. Your breakfast nook is no exception. You’ll want to include a few design elements to help ground the nook as a space unto itself. The best way to do that is by hanging a statement lighting fixture over the table.

As for what we mean by “statement lighting,” in this case, we’re talking about anything that will catch the eye. It can either be through shape, like the one in the picture above, or size. A good rule of thumb is that, typically, your light fixture should run about 3/4 the width of your table.


Don’t forget the pillows and cushions. Image: Anne Becker Design

Keep it cozy

Picture it: You sit down at your breakfast nook every morning to enjoy a cup of coffee and ease into the day. That doesn’t sound like a space that should feel stark and cold, does it? Rather, just the opposite. We recommend that you make your breakfast nook as cozy as humanly possible. Create a space where people want to sit and lounge for a good, long while.

In terms of how to go about creating a cozy feeling in your space, it’s all about incorporating the right textiles. Here, you’ll want to opt for upholstered furniture over unupholstered seating, which tends to feel colder and less inviting. Then, pile on the accessories. A few well-placed throw pillows will go a long way here. If you live in a cooler climate, there’s no shame in including a throw blanket, as well.


Keep your breakfast nook a casual space. Image: Walker Architects

Stay casual and fun

Lastly, take the time to consider what aesthetic you’re going after in this space. Typically, breakfast nooks are more casual than formal. They’re spaces meant for a quick breakfast before work or school, an afternoon snack or an evening study session. Ideally, they should feel more fun than stuffy in order to encourage everyday use.

The two best ways to achieve this feel are through color and pattern. Take a note from the photo above and work these two design elements into your upholstery and accessories. Of course, you could also take things a step further and incorporate the wall into your design, as well. Consider adding a whimsical touch with a chalkboard wall or some patterned wallpaper.

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Small Bathroom Vanities that Take Back Your Space

We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 

Just because your bathroom lacks space doesn’t mean it can’t be functional. You simply have to figure out clever, space-saving ways to lay it out. In most bathrooms, the sink cabinet is often too large and lacking in useful storage. Take back some of your tiny bathroom. Replace old, outdated cabinets with one of these modern small bathroom vanities.

Wall-mounted small bathroom vanities

One of the best ways to open up the flow of a tiny bathroom is by wall-mounting your bath vanity. Add baskets or boxes below the vanity for extra storage. Or, you can also leave the space open for a clean, minimalist feel. Wall-mounting a small bathroom vanity takes a little extra work – the vanity must be anchored to the wall studs – but the extra effort may be worth it for a clean, contemporary look.

Meredith 19″ Bathroom Vanity Set at Wayfair, $167, featuring an open cubby for towels or baskets.

small bathroom vanities

The Cubical 19″ Wall-Mounted Vanity is only 8.7” deep for the tightest of small bathroom spaces. At Wayfair, $330.

best small bathroom vanities -

The Kegley 18″ wide x 13″ deep Bathroom Vanity Set with Mirror at AllModern, $510 features sleek, chrome accents to add contrast to the clean white cabinet.

best small bathroom vanities

The Tenafly 19″ Wall-Mounted Bathroom Vanity Set at Wayfair, $198 is perfectly small-scale. You can also mount two (if you have the space) for his-and-hers vanities.

best small bathroom vanities

A rustic, white washed oak finish warms up the hard, minimalist lines of the Bolivia 24″ Small Bathroom Vanity Set at AllModern, $470.

Corner bathroom vanities for tiny bathrooms

Corners are often unused and forgotten spots. Why not designate a bathroom corner as the wash area?

Renovator’s Supply Corner Wall-Mount Bathroom Vanity Sink at Amazon, $290, features an ergonomic, rounded style.

Renovator’s Supply Corner Pedestal Sink at Amazon, $150, is a great small bathroom vanity for a traditional tiny bathroom.

Small bathroom vanities with storage

Adding storage to a tiny bathroom is one of the best ways to hide clutter. It also creates a visually larger, more expansive bathroom. These small bathroom vanities feature smart drawers and shelving that make use of every square inch in the cabinet.

best small bathroom vanities

The Simpli Home Burnaby 20″ Bath Vanity has a durable, textured granite top for a transitional look. Available at Amazon, $395.

best small bathroom vanities

You can use the bar-style drawer hardware of the Maite 24″ Bathroom Vanity Set at AllModern, $480, as towel bars for small hand towels.

The Eckard 24″ Vanity Set at AllModern, $310, features a popular industrial look, thanks to the black iron finish and rustic warm wood.

Go simple with the clean, crisp and white look of the Knighten 18″ Bathroom Vanity Set at Wayfair, $207.

Small pedestal sinks

If storage is not an issue, a small pedestal sink may be the perfect upgrade. These are great in a guest bathroom where a statement pedestal can make the room memorable. Check out these architecturally stunning small pedestal sinks.

small bathroom vanities

The conical Rockview 18″ Pedestal Sink at Wayfair, $1090, looks best against a boldly-painted or wallpapered wall.

small bathroom vanities

One of the most graceful and  uniquely-shaped small bathroom vanities in our roundup is the Vitreous China 11″ Pedestal Bathroom Sink at Wayfair, $268.

small bathroom vanities

When storage is not a requirement, Kohler’s Parigi 20″ Wide Pedestal Sink at Amazon, $614, has a striking design that can work with many different styles.

Mirrored small bathroom vanities

Nothing brightens and expands a small space better than mirrors. The following small bathroom vanities feature chic mirror designs. They add style and also create a bigger bathroom effect.

The 24″ Mirrored Bathroom Vanity at Pier One, $599, has a Hollywood glamour feel that can add a little bling to your tiny bathroom.

The classic black finish and graphic door design of the 21″ Bathroom Vanity Set at Pier One, $530, adds a signature touch to any small bathroom.

The Denker 24″ Single Bathroom Vanity Set with mirror at AllModern, $900, features a marble countertop and mirror on the cabinet doors.

Small glass bath vanities

Tiny bathrooms can feel closed in and restricting. A glass vanity can add a contemporary look. Plus it provides extra counter space without making the bath feel cramped.

Renovator’s Supply 16″ diameter and 5″ deep wall-mount console sink at Amazon, $175, features two modern bathroom trends: glass and the vessel-style sink.

QIERAO 23″ wide x 21″ deep Pedestal Bathroom Vanity Set features tempered glass and an integrated towel rack, at Amazon, $200.

Apron-front small vanities

The farmhouse style is one of the hottest home design styles today. Adding an apron-front sink vanity adds that updated country-chic look to your bathroom, even if it’s space-challenged.

best small bathroom vanities

Painted in a classic dove grey, the Legion Furniture 24″ Vanity at Walmart, $245 and up, looks crisp in white and grey.

The 16″ wide x 12″ deep small vanity at Amazon, $289, features a coastal slatted-door effect.

small bathroom vanities

Classic and bold in a rich blue-grey tone, the Betterton 24″ Vanity Set at AllModern, $310, adds charm and elegance in a small bath space.

When updating your bathroom vanity, don’t forget the other elements that will complete the look:

  • A stylish mirror
  • Wall sconces or a pendant light
  • A modern faucet

Check out more of the best small bathroom vanities around. You’ll find plenty of ideas on how to save space and beautify your tiny bathroom in no time.

Which style of small bathroom vanity is your favorite?

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Do You Live in One of Orkin’s Top 50 Rattiest Cities?

Today, Orkin released its annual Top 50 Rattiest Cities List. The list is based on the metro areas where Orkin has conducted the most rodent treatments (residential and commercial) from September 15, 2017 through September 15, 2018.

Rattiest Cities

Do you live in one of the rattiest cities in America? Image: Ed Sologa Design Build

The top 10 on the Rattiest Cities list include, in order: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Denver. The next 10 on the Rattiest Cities list include Minneapolis-St. Paul, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Hartford, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati.

Spots 21-30: Milwaukee, Charlotte, Houston, Portland, Columbus OH, San Diego, Raleigh-Durham, Buffalo, New Orleans, and Norfolk. Spots 31-40: Richmond, Albany, Kansas City, Portland, Nashville, St. Louis, Sacramento, Greenville, Grand Rapids, and Phoenix.

Rounding out the top 50 of the Rattiest Cities: Orlando, Tampa, Burlington NY, Champaign, Rochester NY, Syracuse, Charleston WV, Dayton, Memphis, and Flint.

Here’s what you need to know about rats and other pests – including ways to keep them from setting up shop in your home.

Mi casa es su casa?

Mi Casa is Su Casa?

Pests like warmth as much as you do. Image: The PRG Group

When temperatures drop, most people try to escape the cold by spending more time in the house. However, insects and critters are also seeking warmth and shelter wherever they can find it. “These unwanted visitors primarily include rodents, cockroaches, spiders, and ants,” according to Dr. Jim Fredericks, chief entomologist for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

But aren’t they equipped stay outside regardless of the season?  Nope. “Rodents like to come inside because they aren’t well adapted to survive the cold coming with fall and winter,” says Glen Ramsey, BCE, Technical Services Manager at Orkin. “Depending on what part of the country you are in, there are a variety of other pests that want to come inside – for example, ladybugs, boxelder bugs and stink bugs – and will look for small holes or gaps to protect themselves from rain, snow, or cold weather,” Ramsey explains.

Understand pest dangers

Mice can damage your electrical wires and start a fire. Image: Richard Hughes/Element 5 Architecture

Some pests are just a nuisance, but others can cause serious problems. For example, Dr. Fredericks says that rodents such as roof rats and house mice can damage your drywall and electrical wires – and the latter can lead to house fires! “They also transmit pathogens like salmonella and other diseases.”

Also, he says that cockroaches carry bacteria and can contaminate your food. “In addition, rodents and cockroaches can both trigger allergy and asthma symptoms, and spiders and ants – which can be difficult to eradicate once they settle in, can threaten humans if disturbed,” Dr. Fredericks warns.

So how can you keep them out of your home?

Eliminate food sources

Eliminate food sources

Airtight containers keep pests out. Image: AMC Design

In addition to shelter, Dr. Fredericks says these invaders are also looking for food and water.  “Eliminate potential food sources for pests by keeping kitchen counters clean, disposing of garbage regularly in sealed receptacles and storing food in airtight containers,” he advises. Dr. Fredericks also warns against leaving your pet’s food dishes outside for extended periods of time.  “In addition, keep basements and attics well ventilated and dry to prevent moisture buildup,” he says.

Remove clutter and debris

Remove clutter and debris

Try to keep your belongings off the floor. Image: Garage Guru

Robert Taylor is the owner of The Real Estate Solutions Guy in Sacramento, CA. The company specializes in remodeling run-down homes, and Taylor says they see a lot of home and estates that have problems with mice and other rodents. “One cause of this an abundance of clutter lying around the house and against the house where rodents can hide – and this can be clutter in the garage, in rooms in the house or even outside against the house,” Taylor explains.

“Animals need a safe place to hide from predators, whether this be your household pets or other animals,” Taylor says. He adds that clutter creates a place to hide and a place to nest, and recommends removing clutter to help remove rodent problems.

Gretchen White, M.S., Animal Nuisance Biologist at Scotts Miracle-Gro has a few additional tips. “Store materials off the floors on shelves, wherever possible, in rodent-proof containers,” White says. “Use rodent-proof storage bins and prevent access to paper and fabric that could be used as nesting material.”

Don’t lend a helping hand

Don’t store firewood next to your house. Image: Dean Herald-Rolling Stone Landscapes

You should keep the exterior walls of your home clean for aesthetic reasons. But according to Taylor, this will also reduce the probability of subterranean termites finding a way into your home. “And, if you live in an area that uses firewood, be sure not to keep the firewood stacked against your house,” Taylor advises.

Sydney Crawley, Ph.D., Public Health Entomologist, Scotts Miracle-Gro, agrees. “ If you must stack firewood, keep stacks elevated and store more than 20 feet away from the home — Do not stack firewood directly against your home’s exterior,” Crawley warns.

Also, if you have a compost site/yard waste, she recommends monitoring it regularly to prevent insect breeding.

Tame the landscape

Keep trees and bushes from touching your house. Image: Minnetonka Custom Homes

Another way you can avoid lending a helping hand to pests is by maintaining your landscape. “Trees should be pruned back at least five feet from the roof to prevent access to your house from rodents,” Taylor advises. “Ivy and other vine type plants also need to be trimmed back so that they don’t create a pathway to your roof or the vents in your eaves” he says.

In fact, Ramsey says there should be a 12-18 inch buffer around the home so stop pests from entering your home through surrounding plants. “Look around your home for pest-attractive plants; ladybugs feed on other insects that drink plant juices; boxelder bugs and stink bugs feed on the plants themselves,” Ramsey explains.

Seal any holes

Check for gaps around pipes. Image: Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove

Homeowners use air vents so the house can breathe. However, if they contain holes, Taylor recommends replacing them. “Even the smallest of holes can allow a mouse or other rodent access into your home.” He also recommends looking for openings inside the house. “Look behind your stove where the electrical or gas may come out of the wall, look underneath your sinks where the plumbing comes out of the wall.” If there is an excessive amount of space where the pipes enter the wall, he says this will allow rodents to enter your home. “Mice may find a way into your walls, but that doesn’t mean you need to let them find a way into your house through these gaps,” Taylor says. “Have the gaps sealed tight with metal flanges that you can buy from your local hardware store, or sealed off properly by a skilled handyman.”

Dr. Fredericks says you can also seal exterior cracks and crevices with caulk and steel wool. “Install door sweeps and repair damaged screens, as torn window screens and cracks under doors are ideal entry points for pests.” He also says that it’s possible for you to bring pests in the house yourself. “Inspect items like boxed deliveries and grocery bags before bringing them inside,” Dr. Fredericks says.

Remove offenders

As a last resort, set traps to catch pests. Image: Euroline Steel Windows

Despite your best efforts, especially if you live in one of Orkin’s Rattiest Cities, it’s possible that pests may find a way into your home. “Some areas are just more prone to repeated rodent problems, like those close to wooded areas or located in urban centers,”  White explains. “To help control rodents around the outside perimeter of your home, place bait stations approved for outdoor use, like the Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistant, Disposable Station or Tomcat Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistant, Disposable Station, in areas where rodents may try to enter your home, such as doors, vents, under siding or around pipes.” Do you live in a city on Orkin’s Rattiest Cities list? What tips do you have for keeping your home pest free?

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12 Times Acrylic Furniture Made All The Difference In A Room (And Why It Will Work In Your Interiors)

We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 

Acrylic furniture, sometimes also known as lucite, has been around since the 70s. Yet, this look isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The translucent material has what it takes to stand the test of time and still look the part of today’s modern interiors.

Don’t believe us? Keep scrolling. We put together some design inspiration on how to pull this look off in your own space. By the end of this post, you, too, will be on Team Acrylic.


We’ll explain a little bit about why acrylic pieces are here to stay. Image: Portal Design Inc

Why it works

When working with any interior, you need to consider visual weight. Visual weight refers to the measure of force an object has on the eye, otherwise known as a measure of how heavy an object looks. Successfully pulling this off in a room is all about making sure that the visual weight is in balance.

Acrylic or lucite furniture is a great equalizer when it comes to achieving this goal. Since the furniture is literally see-through, it adds very little visual weight to the room, leaving plenty of opportunities for your other design elements to shine. Yet, at the same time, it adds a level of function to the room.

These pieces also pack a punch aesthetically. Their sleek lines and sharp edges lend themselves well to a modern look.

Convinced yet? Take a look at this acrylic inspiration


If you feel the need to ground your acrylic pieces to keep them from seeming too light, don’t be afraid to use textiles like seat covers or pillows. Image: cityhomeCOLLECTIVE

bar stools

Bar stools are a great addition to any kitchen island, but they can appear very bulky. Consider using acrylic versions to help them blend in with the rest of the space. Image: Michael Morris – Residential Project Advisory, Red Rock Development

Don’t think your acrylic furniture has to be simply-shaped or borderline boring. This material can be made into any shape or size your heart desires. Image: Raegan Ford Interior Design


If you want to create the illusion of more space without giving up a piece’s sense of presence, try opting for items with acrylic legs and solid seating. Image: Ann Lowengart Interiors


Alternatively, you can flip the script and have acrylic seating with solid legs. Image: Zehana Interiors


There is a way to get acrylic furniture to stand out. Make it the focal point of the room by only using one item in this material. Image: Chris Pardo Design – Elemental Architecture

Acrylic furniture is a natural fit for small dining spaces like the one pictured above. You can have a full set of chairs without adding much visual weight to the space at all. Image: Hilary Mac Interiors


You can use acrylic furniture to add a cool factor to your workspace. It doesn’t get much better than a see-through desk. Image: Maria Causey Interior Design

coffee table

If you’re working with a crowded room like the one pictured above, acrylic furniture can help you add function without bringing much more visual weight into the space. Image: Stephani Buchman Photography

bar cart

Occasional-use items like bar carts are a natural fit to be done in acrylic because they’re there when you need them and nearly out of sight when you don’t. Image: Rikki Snyder


Surfaces like coffee tables and side tables work especially well in acrylic. Image: Mina Brinkey

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